One common issue that can put your Volkswagen’s engine at risk of total failure is an engine oil leak. When oil leaks from your engine, it not only affects engine performance but could also cause damage to the engine and its components.

However, you can save your car’s engine if you identify an oil leak early enough before it begins to cause adverse effects. In this guide, we will provide some tips to help you identify oil leaks in your car’s engine and what to do in that situation.

Common Causes of Engine Oil Leaks in Volkswagen

Before we move on to the ways you can recognize oil leaks in your VW, let us first address the main causes of these leaks. The following could be the reason for an oil leak from your car’s engine.

Wear & Damage

One of the leading causes of oil leaks from car engines is wear and damage caused by aging. Just like human beings can tire out after hours of continuous work, the components of a car can also wear out after working for years. The longer you have had your car the more likely it is to face some issues caused by aging. Worn-out seals or gaskets are likely effects of old age and these could cause an oil leak.

Oil Sludge in Engine Components

A buildup of a thick, semi-solid substance in the engine’s internal system is called a sludge and it can be a reason for oil leaks in an engine. Oil sludge does not happen out of the blue and is usually caused by the consistent use of low-quality or contaminated oil. Due to this sludge, the oil pressure in the engine can get too high, causing certain parts to expand and break, leading to an oil leak.

How to Tell Your Volkswagen’s Engine is Leaking

If you are wondering how to tell when your car’s oil is leaking from the engine. Here are some things to look out for.

1. Low Oil Levels

One obvious sign that indicates a leak in a car’s engine is low oil levels. If you notice that your Volkswagen’s engine oil falls below optimal level whenever you inspect it, you should check the engine as there is likely a damaged part that is leaking. You can use a dipstick to monitor oil level changes and when you notice a drastic decrease, you should check the engine for leaks.

2. Oil Puddle

Another sign that shows an engine oil leak in your Volkswagen is an oil puddle. If you notice that oil pools on the ground under the engine area after your car has been parked for a while, then you can tell that there is a leak. You can differentiate between an oil leak and other fluids by the color and consistency of the fluid. Oil leaks cause a brown or dark stain on the ground.

3. Check Engine Light

Another tip to help you identify if there is an oil leak in your Volkswagen is the “check engine” light on your dashboard. While this light illuminates as a warning sign of several engine problems, it can also alert you of an engine oil leak as this could also be the cause of engine issues in your car.

4. Smoke from the Engine Area

If you notice smoke coming from your Volkswagen’s engine bay, it could be due to engine oil leaks. If oil leaks out from the engine, it could land on components of the engine; the contact between the oil and hot metal can produce smoke which may be visible from the engine area.

5. Engine Overheating

This is another sign that your car’s engine could be leaking oil. Oil leaks from the engine cause a reduction in the oil levels which then reduces the temperature-regulating function of the engine. Once less oil is available to reduce friction and regulate the engine’s temperature, the result is excessive heat from the engine area.

Where to Go to Solve Your Volkswagen’s Engine Oil Leaks

Oil leaks in your Volkswagen may start Volkswagen Engine Oil Filling as a simple problem but can become a huge one in little time. Not only will it affect your engine’s function, but it could also cause damage to surrounding engine components. This is why you should find a reliable mechanic for a solution immediately if you notice a leak.

Adair and Sons is your leading automobile workshop in Round Rock, TX. We specialize in providing high-quality care services for German vehicles. We can fix the oil leaks in your Volkswagen and repair damaged parts as well as perform maintenance. All you need to do is schedule an appointment and we will handle the rest to return your car or SUV to you in top condition!

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